Inspiring new hope
FloraWorks is at the forefront of groundbreaking research in cannabinoid science, pioneering the discovery and development of rare and novel cannabinoid-based therapeutics.
By harnessing the untapped potential of cannabinoids, we are unveiling new possibilities in medicine, offering hope to those whose needs have not been met by conventional medicine.

The Power of Paragon™
An AI-driven discovery platform designed to accelerate positive therapeutic outcomes.
We face the complexity of cannabinoid research using the power of ParagonTM, a multifaceted approach to cannabinoid and cannabinoid-inspired drug development that merges rational-based drug design with modern computational tools to create actionable nutraceutical discoveries and identify new drug targets.
Pioneering the future of health

With a broad therapeutic index, cannabinoids will lead us to a new generation of safe and effective alternatives to current over-the-counter and pharmaceutical options.
Our mission is to make a positive impact on the global health landscape.
We are built on a culture of innovation & responsibility
"At the heart of our company are our incredibly talented chemists, engineers, and operators who’ve spent years immersing themselves in the science of cannabinoids. I’m genuinely proud to work alongside such dedicated professionals. Their expertise and passion drive innovative thinking across all aspects of our business."
Alleh Lindquist
Chief Executive Officer
Our team in the news
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